Shoe Dekho

Shoe Dekho1


How do I cancel the order, I have placed?

Order can be canceled till the same is out for delivery. Note: This may not be applicable for certain logistics partner. You would see an option to cancel within ‘My Orders’ section under the main menu of your App/Website/M-site then select the item or order you want to cancel. In case you are unable to cancel the order from’My Orders’ section, you can refuse it at the time of delivery and refund will be processed into the source account, if order amount was paid online.

How do I create a Return Request?

You can create a Return in three simple steps

  • Tap on MyOrders
  • Choose the item to be Returned
  • Enter details requested and create a return request
I have created a Return request. When will the product be picked up?

Number of days to pickup a product may vary as per the Logistics team that will be assigned to pickup your product. The product will be picked anywhere between 4 – 7 days.

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